The 7,000-sq.ft. interactive learning garden will be divided into designated learning centers that include a rain garden, nature art area, building area, and climbing & crawling area. The garden, which will be named the Ariens Company Nature Explore Classroom, will be open to the public and is expected to be completed by the end of September.
“This project has grown from a true grassroots effort of a few dedicated residents to a true community-wide effort.” says Dan Ariens, Chairman and CEO. “Our donation recognizes the individuals, organizations, and companies that have put effort into this project over the years.”
Auburn Public Schools is one of the lead partners on the project and the garden is located near Calvert Elementary School for teachers to easily incorporate related curriculum. Auburn employees will also assist with on-going projects and activities related to the garden. The company employs 230 people at a plant located in Auburn.
“The mission of the outdoor classroom fits with one of our company Core Values which is to ‘Encourage Intellectual Curiosity,’ says Ariens. “We are a company built around a number of outdoor brands making this green space a perfect fit for partnership.”